Who's reading the e-books?
People of all ages who already have an interest in, or work in the field of consciousness, creativity, cultural change or transformational learning
Alicia is in her late forties and works as a consultant to organizations. Her passion is waking people up to be more authentic. She has done a lot of personal development and is interested in leading edge ideas.
Henry is mid 70's, an ex-business man turned artist and writer. He is very interested in learning more about consciousness and spirituality.
People who have an awakening interest in discovering inspirational models and tools for personal and social change
Joanne is mid 30's, an active environmentalist and entrepreneur who wants to understand what this consciousness thing is all about.
Don is a 50 something guy who's worked very hard in the service sector and is now feeling burnt out. He's looking for a way to connect with conscious people and do something completely different with his life.
Those who are in crisis or life transition or emerging from a shift in consciousness
Fran is mid 50's and at a transition point in life. She has had an academic career, now illness is causing her to re-evaluate her life and to become interested in personal discovery and consciousness. She longs for a more creative lifestyle.
Young people looking for stepping stones to move forward
David is 23 years old, a highly intelligent old soul who feels lost in society. He is looking for meaning in life and ways to work for the planet.
“Having lived with the pain and despair of seeing our culture destroy all that I hold most dear, and feeling powerless to do anything about it, my discovery in recent years that the creative path provides the energy and potential to manifest a New World Story, is the most important thing in the world to me. Reading about your story and those of others you have worked with makes it feel even more real and possible.
I find your e-books inspiring and energising. There is much here that I found was a useful reminder as well as new ways of thinking about this emerging human experience.”
Richard Cross, Founder, Riversmeet Community Co-operative and The Earth Standards Project, UK.
“Reading these books is like entering into an adventure with one’s self and the world we live in. It felt like having a conversation with a like minded companion. Rose writes with ‘lived experience’ a conversation at the frontier of human thought about change and living your passion. She shares her inspiring stories, tools and practices. This has offered me focus in a realistic and sustainable way. I am now more conscious of the distractions that sap my energy. I have been gently guided by Rose in a powerful way. I am moving forward with renewed commitment to my focus and passion."
Benita Treanor, Organisational Development Coach & Consultant.